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The Westchester Chapter sponsored a Women’s History Contest in March in The Montessori Academy in Yonkers, New York. The contest is open to all first, second and third graders. Each student was asked to choose a woman that they felt had made a difference and why they felt the woman had made a difference.
Categories: Chapter News
Categories: General, Chapter News
On May 17, 2016, Kathy Stagg presented the Westchester Chapter 2016 scholarship award to Madison Sacramone at the May dinner meeting at which Madison and her father, Steven, were the honored guests. The award is for $1000, along with a student membership to NYSW, Inc.
The Staten Island chapter of New York State Women Inc. presented the Harbor Lights Theater Company program with a $2,000 check to enhance their efforts to bring Broadway level productions to the Island and to provide opportunities for thriving local artists.
Categories: Chapter News, Grace LeGendre
Chadwick Bay Chapter of NYS Women Inc. met at Shorewood Country Club for dinner and installation of 2016-2017 officers.
New York State Women, Inc., Clarence Chapter recently held its 18th Annual Basket Auction to raise money for its award and benefit program at the Brookfield Country Club in Clarence, NY. At the event, grants were presented to local area non-profits from funds raised at last year’s event.
Carol Golyski, a member of Grand Island Professional Women’s Chapter, New York State Women, has been selected the winner of the 10th Annual Womens Exemplary Leadership Award, which was presented Wednesday evening (June 22) at a dinner in Elldins, River Oaks, Grand Island.
The Staten Island chapter of NYS Women presented $2000 to the Staten Island Residence of Good Counsel Homes, Inc. This program provides invaluable intervention for hundreds of pregnant young women and single parents.