NYS Women Inc News

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We are a non-profit state federation. Our membership includes women and men of every age, race, religion, political party and socio-economic background. We are a leading advocate on work-life balance and workplace equity issues.

In this section, you will read recent news releases and advocacy concerns as well as view our opinion editorials and letters to the editor. Members of the press who are writing about issues of concern to working women are encouraged to contact our Communications Committee at [email protected].

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NYS Women-Staten Island Supports Women at Good Counsel Residence

Author: Communications Committee/Tuesday, June 28, 2016/Categories: General, Chapter News

The Staten Island chapter of NYS Women presented $2000 to the Staten Island Residence of Good Counsel Homes, Inc. This program provides invaluable intervention for hundreds of pregnant young women and single parents.

"So many women have nowhere to turn,” said Christine Olivieri Donahue, NYS Women-SI member. “This is a place for young mothers who urgently need a safe place to stay, many who have been rejected by family and friends. In this residence they are provided with a loving home, nutritious meal, consistent medical attention, training, education, and the tools for self-sufficiency.”

After closing due to the tumultuous financial climate, the Staten Island house recently reopened and reached full capacity with young mothers and babies. Within the first four months, the program assisted with three new births among the young women staying there.

Founded in 1985, Good Counsel has been a home to more than 6,000 mothers and their children over the past thirty years. Good Counsel is a nationally recognized nonprofit leader and innovator in creating supportive residential care and community-based services for homeless, expectant, and new mothers and their children.


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