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Categories: General, Chapter News
The Chadwick Bay Chapter of NYS Women Inc. is celebrating our 75th year as an organization that is instrumental in the Dunkirk – Fredonia community. In 1942, twenty-two women banded together to form Business and Professional Women of Dunkirk Fredonia. These visionaries encouraged local business and professional women to join the organization for personal and professional growth. Their mission was to achieve equity for all women in the workplace through advocacy, education and information.
Long-time NYS Women, Inc. member, Olga Zona Irwin, was presented with the inaugural Lifetime Achievement Award by the Delaware County Democratic Committee (DCDC) at its annnual dinner at SUNY Delhi on May 4th.
The first Athena Program project will kick off at the October Board meeting in Geneva. I will be asking President Carlin for a scheduled time slot to meet with interested parties to find out exactly what New York State Women can do for our women veterans.
Categories: General, Chapter News, NYSW Events
The Richmond County Chapter recently awarded two scholarship to women returning to school after a short hiatus. Lori Lambertson and Glad Uko-Imo were each given a check in the amount of $1,000 to help them continue their studies at the College of Staten Island.
Categories: Chapter News
On October 14th at the October Board of Director’s meeting held in Geneva, NY, members came together to support not just an awesome project to help women veterans, they also approved a name change for the Athena Society. The Board voted to rename the program the Athena Military Women’s Initiative.
Sisterhood organizations participated in a fair and by presenting as a panelist or guest speaker at workshops. The women of the Sisterhood presented on positions in business, health, environmental science and government and other topics such as “You are the Architect of Your Life,” by Naomi Jones, Life Coach; “Brave Enough to Succeed,” by Fran Reali; “Dressing for Success,” by Rosemarie Cavanaugh , Nutritionist; “Non-traditional jobs in STEM,” by Katia Gordon , Director, SI Regional and Community Affairs, Con Edison; Financial Information for High School Students,” by Joan Wilton, Financial Advisor; and “Social Media Marketing.”