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NYSWomen - Staten Island Awards Scholarships

Author: Communications Committee/Tuesday, June 28, 2016/Categories: General, Chapter News

The business and professional women of the Staten Island chapter of NYS Women awarded two local women with academic scholarships.

“We are proud to support women each year with scholarships to help them advance their academic careers –which is often the first step to reaching their goals,” Rosemarie Dressler. Rosemarie, Helen Napoli, and Barbara Strype are NYS Women-SI Scholarship committee members. 

Beneficiaries of the 2016 NYS Women-SI Scholarship are Barbara A. Casuso Heath and Stephanie Angeli. Barbara A. Casuso Heath is a student at St. Paul's School of Nursing, preparing to complete her Associate’s degree in Nursing in the late summer of 2016. Stephanie Angeli will attend Wagner College in the fall to earn a Master of Education degree in the field of Literacy. Each recipient received $1000.

Genevieve M. Jensen, MS, RN, Interim Dean St. Paul’s School of Nursing, Staten Island and Regional Dean, Education Affiliates, was the guest speaker. Ms. Jensen said that being selected for a scholarship provides “speaks volumes of other key components in support of a woman. A scholarship award is the acknowledgment of one’s abilities, an accolade to one’s self-worth, a fiscal support of a current educational endeavor and a beginning to the future accomplishments of the recipient. It also allows the recipient to be a role model of achievement to her children, family and friends. Lives will change as a result of a Scholarship.”

“We extend ourselves to women with this scholarship to offer financial support to ease their financial struggle but also want them to walk away with this message: We are NYS Women and you are not alone. We stand with you and support you,” concluded Rosemarie Dressler.

NYS Women –Staten Island Recognize Scholarship recipients: (l/r) Catherine DiStefano, president; Genevieve M. Jensen, MS, RN, Interim Dean St. Paul’s School of Nursing, Staten Island/Regional Dean, Education Affiliates, and guest speaker; Barbara A. Casuso Heath, scholarship recipient; Rosemarie Dressler, Barbara Strype, Stephanie Angeli, scholarship recipient; and Helen Napoli.

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