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We are a non-profit state federation. Our membership includes women and men of every age, race, religion, political party and socio-economic background. We are a leading advocate on work-life balance and workplace equity issues.

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Leadership Isn't Scary

Author: Anonym/Thursday, January 29, 2015/Categories: General

In the end, I learned that a leader doesn’t necessarily need to be in a management position. A leader can be someone who says thank you after a small task is completed or assigns tasks that promote an individual’s special skills or isn’t afraid to ask for help. When I returned to work, I had a sense of clarity regarding my role as a leader and, more importantly, which areas I could effectively use my leadership skills.

It seems that many members of volunteer organizations are reluctant to take on leadership roles.  As the NYSWomen Inc. president, I found that the fact to be a bit disconcerting.  I've tried to brainstorm why the words "president", "committee chair", and "region director" cause many of our members run in the other direction.  Are members scared to be a leader?  Is there a question about time commitment?  Does a member feel that she can't fulfill the duties of a particular leadership position?  Alternatively, does a member not understand the duties of a particular position?  Unfortunately, all of the aforementioned questions might b running through a member's head before she decides to accept or decline a leadership position.

I think it's time to demystify what makes a good leader and encourage our members to take on leadership roles.  To help clarify the phrase "good leader", a recent article in Forbes (http://www.forbes.com/sites/susantardanico/2013/01/15/10-traits-of-courageous-leaders/) talked about the 10 traits of courageous leaders. In the article, the author listed, among others, that confronting reality, seeking feedback, listening, communicating frequently, giving credit to others, and accountability are common leadership traits.  After reading through this list, it should be clear that a leader isn't a particular type of person.  You can be a good leader as long as you are willing to try and learn from your mistakes.

So,  the next time someone asks you to be a committee chair, region director, or run for a position on the executive committee, don't say "I don't know how to be a leader."  Instead, respond with "I am a leader and I'm willing to try."

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