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Youth Leadership Conference Hosted by Lake to Lake Women

Author: Communications Committee/Sunday, April 3, 2016/Categories: General, Chapter News

Region VII chapters, Lake to Lake Women, assisted by Yates County Women recently hosted a Youth Leadership Conference with a Reality Store® component.  On March 5th, 15 girls from several area schools came together in Waterloo for a day of learning and camaraderie. Speakers included Generations Bank President Menzo Case on banking, Seneca Falls Chief of Police Stuart Peenstra discussing identity theft and Lake to Lake Women members Diana Smith and Emily Palumbos with an interactive presentation “The message you are sending”, a discussion of dressing for success and body language.

The girls appreciated the opportunity to interact with the speakers and the volunteers working the various booths. The volunteers were into the spirit of the day by providing props for their booths. Balloons and flowers added a festive look to the room. Booth volunteers included professional women from the community as well as members of Lake to Lake Women and Yates County Women. Mr. Case was so impressed with the program and the girls’ enthusiasm that he changed his plans for the day staying much longer than planned to observe and interact with the participants. A review of the evaluation forms judged the day a success both for the girls and the volunteers. 

Lake to Lake Women thanked Seneca Meadows for providing meeting facilities, Finger Lakes CPR for providing flowers and balloons, and Generations Bank for their financial support of the conference.


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