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Youth Leadership at Southern Finger Lakes Women Chapter

Youth Leadership at Southern Finger Lakes Women Chapter

Author: Communications Committee/Tuesday, November 8, 2016/Categories: Chapter News

On Saturday October 15, 2017 in Watkins Glen, the NYS Women Southern Finger Lakes Women Chapter held a Youth Leadership event. Youth Leadership is a NYS Women Inc. program that helps high school girls learn about college life and real world experiences.

This is an all day event geared to helping these girls understand life's challenges. The first workshop was on banking and money. The girls learned about different types of bank accounts and credit cards, how to keep a check register, budgeting and loans.

Next they participated in the Reality Store. This is the most eye opening workshop for the girls. They choose a job and then we provided then with a monthly salary. Based on this monthly salary they had to figure out how to budget their money for 1 month when having a house/apartment, car, insurance, utilities, kids, pets, groceries, clothes, etc. We provided them with what they had and then they had to visit each table station to see what they could afford. During the time they were visiting the station they were given an "unexpected life event" like a car accident, kid, broken garage, etc. They quickly realized they ran out of money and had to rethink what they wanted in life.

Some quotes I heard from the girls as they went around:

  • Kids are expensive.
  • Why did I get a pet now?
  • It's OK to go with the bare minimum until you have more money.
  • Looks like I'll be sleeping on the floor.
  • We really need to look at all options and be creative. Maybe I don't need to move out so soon. I can live with my parents until I'm financially sound.
  • Maybe my parents can help watch the kids instead of day care.

The third workshop was self defense from the police department. The luncheon speaker was Ann Tuttle from Keuka College. She is the Chair of the Business Department. She gave some pieces of advice to the girls.

  • Become active member in organizations, get involved, socialize with others, and teach others but most importantly you will learn from others.
  • Be courageous - Support your opinions with supporting factual data then you earn respect and attention from others. Have the confidence to know what you are talking about.
  • Step up - Take initiative to be accountable for success or failure.
  • Seek out mentors - You are not an island and we all need help.

Leading anything allows you to learn to be a leader and what it takes to be successful and you keep getting asked to lead.

Did You Know - 23 out of 500 Fortune 500 companies are women CEOs.

The afternoon workshops consisted of Empowerment of Women, Team Building, Fashion, Hair/Makeup and Interview/Resume writing tips. The girls learned the difference between causal, business casual and business dress. These are invaluable lessons when entering the workforce, especially given the workforce has moved to a much more causal dress code.

The girls walked away with a lot of information to help them make informed decisions about college, careers, leadership, responsibilities and life lessons. They all left learning a lot and rethinking how they do things and what they think their life might be like after college.

For more information on the NYS Women Youth Leadership Program contact [email protected].



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