Women representing organizations from all corners of the borough joined together for their Ninth Sisterhood Annual Meeting hosted by the Staten Island chapter of NYS Women, inc.
“We are proud to host this meeting and promote unity among the women of Staten Island,” said Margaret Antoniello, president, SI Chapter, NYS Women.
Rosemarie Dressler, member NYS Woman-SI ,offered welcoming remarks and said the Sisterhood of women by “pooling resources, talent and unifying group efforts on key women’s issues demonstrates strength in numbers. We accomplished more effective results which impact the lives of local women and their families. “
In 2010, for the first time in our borough’s history, women’s organization responded to a call from the Staten Island chapter of New York State Women to unite and join together as a “Sisterhood,” as volunteers to approach issues with a united voice. The response was overwhelming.
The Sisterhood leadership is rotated among the groups annually. This year, Beth Coleman Oliver, of Staten Island Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. (SIAC DST), is chairwoman. “Nine years ago the presidents of every group met to establish guidelines and brought issues they believed to be of importance to the table. Every year since then we have together tackled issues important to women. This year we will develop a program to address human trafficking,” she announced at the meeting.
“Women’s organizations on Staten Island provide the financial and emotional backing to support issues important to them and their members volunteer countless hours, resources, time and energy to address needs and improve opportunities for women and their families,” said Rosemarie Dressler. “In 2010, for the first time in our borough’s history, women’s organization responded to a call from the Staten Island chapter of New York State Women to unite and join together as a “Sisterhood,” as volunteers to approach issues with a united voice.”
World of Women led the Sisterhood in 2011 uniting representatives from 16 groups into the Sisterhood Domestic Violence Task Force (SDVTF). The following year, as the SIDVTF continued its work to increase awareness about domestic violence, Soroptimist International-SI took the helm and expanded the Sisterhood agenda to address women’s health issues with a one day health conference featuring medical and health experts. Leading the Sisterhood the Staten Island chapter of New York State Women addressed issues that impact the self esteem. Staten Island Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. (SIAC DST), expanded the Sisterhood program the following year to include a free one-day forum, What About Me? Envision Your Future, in an effort to address the emotional wellness, health and financial needs of women. The New York State Nurses Association (NYSNA) focused on increasing awareness and providing parents with information to eradicate substance abuse. New York State Women –SI led the Sisterhood in 2017 and focused on expanding awareness of career options so women and families can reach their full potential at a Career Conference at Wagner College.
“The Sisterhood draws members from organizations that address the needs of women and their families,” said Rosemarie Dressler. “There are no fees and no governing body. We simply volunteer our time and use our talents to improve lives of women.”
Organizations represented at their annual meeting include SI Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. , New York State Women, Inc.- Staten Island chapter; Soroptimist-International-Staten Island; Stapleton UAME Church; Lambda Kappa Mu Sorority; National Council of Negro Women; WOW – World of Women .
For more information about the Sisterhood contact Rosemarie Dressler, [email protected].