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We are a non-profit state federation. Our membership includes women and men of every age, race, religion, political party and socio-economic background. We are a leading advocate on work-life balance and workplace equity issues.

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Staten Island Chapter Celebrates USA

Author: Communications Committee/Monday, July 2, 2018/Categories: Chapter News

Members of the Staten Island chapter of New York State Women bring in the July 4th holiday at the patriotic concert, AMERICA POPS!, with the 50 piece Richmond County Orchestra with maestro Alan Aurelia at Gateway Church auditorium, Charleston, Staten Island.

Rev. Timothy Mercaldo was Master of Ceremonies. Alison Madill and Carl Divito joined Timothy Mercaldo as guest soloists. A tribute to the Armed Forces at the afternoon performance recognized local service men and women who served or are serving in all branches of the military.

The Richmond County Orchestra received standing ovations for their performance of the Star Spangled Banner, Adagio for Strings, 1812 Overature, 1776, God Bless America and Stars and Stripes Forever and great American movie scores.

  • Group shot caption: Margaret Antoniello, president, (l) with members of the Staten Island chapter with master of Ceremonies Rev. Timothy Mercaldo at America Pops!
  • Mercaldo shot caption: Timothy Mercaldo performs song from the Broadway Show 1776
  • Orchestra shot caption: Richmond County Orchestra

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