NYS Women Inc News

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We are a non-profit state federation. Our membership includes women and men of every age, race, religion, political party and socio-economic background. We are a leading advocate on work-life balance and workplace equity issues.

In this section, you will read recent news releases and advocacy concerns as well as view our opinion editorials and letters to the editor. Members of the press who are writing about issues of concern to working women are encouraged to contact our Communications Committee at [email protected].

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Southern Finger Lakes Women name 2014 Women of the Year

Author: Southern Finger Lakes Women/Tuesday, December 16, 2014/Categories: Chapter News

Glenda Gephart of the Elmira Star-Gazette was named the 2014 Woman of the Year by the Southern Finger Lakes Women at their October meeting (in photo, left to right: Glenda Gephart, Mary Ellen Morgan SFLW Chapter President).  The chapter also held a silent auction in October to raise funds.  Gloria Hutchings, chapter Membership Chair, introduced Leslie Danks Burke as the chapter’s newest member and conducted the induction ceremony (in photo, left to right: Gloria Hutchings, Leslie Danks Burke).  JoAnne Krolak collected contributions for the chapter’s project on behalf of residents of the Falls Home.  In November, Kathleen Clark, chair of the Scholarship Committee, announced that Michell Krossber was winner of the 2014 Women’s Career Enhancement Scholarship.  In December, Sue Gigliotti and JoAnne Krolak presented hats and large print books to Nancy Shumway, Activities Director at the Falls Home.




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