NYS Women Inc News

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We are a non-profit state federation. Our membership includes women and men of every age, race, religion, political party and socio-economic background. We are a leading advocate on work-life balance and workplace equity issues.

In this section, you will read recent news releases and advocacy concerns as well as view our opinion editorials and letters to the editor. Members of the press who are writing about issues of concern to working women are encouraged to contact our Communications Committee at [email protected].

Latest News

New Web Site Launched

Author: Communications Committee/Friday, January 6, 2012/Categories: General

The new web site is designed to help us communication better with our members and the community. We are bringing together state, district and local chapter news and events all in one place. This will provide the most useful information for everyone.

News -  We will now be posting news from all levels of our organization. The most recent articles will be posted on our home page. We encourage all our local chapters and districts to email us their news story for inclusion on our web site, social media and publications. Email your news to [email protected].

Calendar of Events - Our calendar of events will display all state, district and local chapter events and they are color coded accordingly. Starting immediately you can now register for all state meetings online and pay with a credit card. We strongly recommend everyone use the online registration even if they are paying by check. This way all the registrations are in one place for us to manage.

Social Media - In the upcoming year we are going to utilizing social media a lot more. If you are not already please become a fan of us on Facebook and Twitter. Our Facebook feed is displayed on our home page now too.


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