The times...they are a' changing. Back in 2013 a three-year strategic plan for New York State Women Inc. was unveiled. The plan was developed around our mission, to build powerful women personally, politically and professionally, and our vision, to make a difference in the lives of working women. In 2020, the world has changed. Women's lives have changed but issues affecting women have not. And since 2013, our organization has changed, too. The need to adapt and retool NYSW Inc. to meet today's "new normal" is critical. As a result, the Strategic Planning Committee has been working to propose an updated plan with an updated mission and vision.
Proposed: Our revised "Mission" - Connecting women personally, professionally, and politically. [Rationale: With the changes in the world, we need to focus on connecting women across the state through the added and available avenues of technology affording us this opportunity to connect and give all a voice
Proposed: Our revised "Vision" - Empowering women to use their voices to create positive change. [Rationale: Scope includes ALL women, i.e., working, retired, those "in between" employment, etc.
The Committee is also studying the organizational structure pertaining to Regions. The existing framework does not suit today's needs. A proposal recommended for discussion would include one (1) representative from each Region. (We would like to hear ideas from the membership on the selection process). The representative will serve as liaison to her Regional Chapters and be a voting member of the NYS Women, Inc., Board of Directors. Said representative will be expected to attend State meetings and bring forth ideas from the Chapters. If this representative is unable to attend a State meeting, the Chapter presidents are empowered to appoint a proxy. The representative is expected to communicate frequently with her Region's chapters and to the designated member of the State Executive Committee. [Rationale: It has become exceedingly difficult to maintain an elected officer structure in a Region and to hold twice annual meetings. Modern technology will provide enhanced communication with this leaner structure.
So, this is the beginning! Much work needs to be done and your input is important. Let us continue to connect, use our voices and empower each other to create positive change for all women. Our focus is to REVITALIZE this organization so that we can THRIVE now and, in the future, and to be RELEVANT
We will be hosting a couple zoom meetings over the summer open to ALL membership to bring forth ideas and discussion on the organizations structure.
In addition, if your preference of communication is email send your ideas to [email protected] or telephone (607) 316-6003, we want to hear ALL voices!!!!
Look forward to hearing ALL voices,
Patti Pollock
Strategic Planning Chair