NYS Women - Business Organization

Marketing Materials

These materials we have developed for the use at all levels - Chapters, Regions and State. We will be providing the Chapters with some of these materials. Materials can be ordered through Allegra Printing.

membership application  Application/Brochure
This has the membership application on one side and information about the organization on the other side.
referral card  Referral Card
This is a business card. On the back you can write in your contact information and date of the next meeting.
post card  Postcard
This is a generic postcard that can be used to welcome new members, thank potential members for coming to a meeting, reminder about dues/meetings, etc.
Chapter sign  Sign
11x17 sign on choroplast with easel back. It is customized to have your Chapter name on it. Great to display at monthly meetings or public events. 
 folders Folders
These folders can be used to hand out to new members as a welcoming packet with Chapter and State information.

This can be customized for Chapters or Regions. You do not have to have a mailing address on there.

Sample Ad - Black & White

Sample Ad - Color

Print Ads
These ads came be used to market events and the organization to your local community. They can be used in newsletters, newspapers, and other local publications.