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The theme, according to the National Women's History Project, is Women Inspiring Innovation Through Imagination: Celebrating Women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. View their web site - http://www.nwhp.org/whm/index.php
Categories: General
When New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo gave his State of the State Address on January 9, 2013, he included a 10 Point Plan for Women that covers many of the issues for which we in New York State Women advocate in our Legislative Platform and Advocacy Statement.
NY has long served as a model for equality and fairness on several issues including women's rights. At the 2013 State of the State Address, governor Cuomo announced plans to advance a 10 point Women's Equality Act that will break barriers that perpetuate discrimination and inequality based on gender. Read the full report >>
Their history is our history—and the Suffrage Centennial Celebration March 1 – 3, 2013, in Washington, D.C. will celebrate us all. Come learn from the bold, brave band of suffragists who marched down Pennsylvania Avenue March 3,1913, proudly demanding their right to vote. More Information >>
Jane Arminda Delano was born in 1862 to George and Mary Ann Wright Delano in Montour Falls, New York (some sources give Townsend, NY, as her birthplace). George Delano was a soldier in the Union Army during the Civil War and died of yellow fever in Louisiana and was buried there. Jane never knew her father. She attended Cook Academy and after completing her education, taught school for a short time.
Sue Mager accepted a Proclamation from the Erie County, NY Legislature recognizing New York State Women, Inc. members for their continuing advocacy for working women in New York State on March 7th. In accepting the proclamation, she took the opportunity to honor our foremothers by reminding the legislators that our work is not done until a New York Women's Equality Act becomes a reality for New York State women.
Recognition will be given for Women’s History Month projects, programs and other activities that generate community awareness of the contributions women have made in the community, the state and the nation’s history. Local chapters are encouraged to take a comprehensive approach to participation in the celebration of Women’s History Month. View Full Instructions
Region Awards for the Regions – For these awards, the Region Director and/or Assistant Region Director will nominate their Region, or another Region. Chapter Awards as Nominated by the Region – For these awards, the Region Director and/or Assistant Region Director will nominate a chapter, or chapters, in their Region.