NYS Women Inc Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

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Greater Binghamton - Something Old, Something New

Author: Communications Committee/Sunday, August 16, 2015/Categories: Chapter Events

Event date: 9/9/2015 5:30 PM Export event

Location - The Binghamton Club 83 Front St, Binghamton NY 13905

Cost - $25 Members, $35 Non-Members (Includes Dinner)

Description -
This is a purse and accessory swap. Bring something gently used and go home with something new.

RSVP Only. Bring a friend.

Tickets: http://www.eventbrite.com/o/ala-ladd-greater-binghamton-new-york-state-women-inc-8345281897?s=41923108
FB: https://www.facebook.com/GreaterBinghamtonChapterOfNysWomenInc?fref=ts

**We are also accepting purse or accessory donations if you are unable to attend.

Contact Person - Ala Ladd (315-575-3341)

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